History of the College

Founded in 2016, Makurdi College of Health and Medical Laboratory Science is a private higher education institution located in Makurdi, Benue State. Officially accredited and approved by the relevant bodies in Nigeria, it is a co-educational higher institution. The College of Health Sciences is committed to training students in a manner that reflects the diverse needs of communities we serve. Makurdi College of Health and Medical Laboratory Science offer courses and programs leading to accredited certificates and diplomas.  

Year of Establishment

Makurdi College of Health and Medical Laboratory Science started in August 2016. The College gained approval and accreditation to train Medical Laboratory Technicians in 2018 and Community Health in 2022.

The pioneer provost and founder is Mr. Bam Adeke Iorumbur


Our vision is to become a model health science and biomedical college where a diversity of students, scientists and other professionals combine learning, practice and technology to improve the health and well-being of communities

OUR Mission

We train students in an inter-professional, Christ-centered learning approach to create a change effect in service delivery that impacts positively on health care systems while at the same time complementing Government’s efforts. This is achieved through practical teaching, innovative research and practice.


The Mission and Vision of the College of Health Sciences, Makurdi are guided by a commitment to the following values: Christian Ethos , Inter-professional Collaboration , Innovation, Advocacy,

Staff mix and quality Teaching and learning

We have a great mix of qualified staff, we combine innovation and experience, and we have maintained our staff over the years thereby providing stability. This has greatly and consistently improved our academic standard.

The pioneer provost and founder is Mr. Bam Adeke Iorumbur

Use of modern technology

Our willingness to consistently improve knowledge is also demonstrated by our use of modern day technology and computer applications, as a consortium of BWA Medix, our students are exposed to automated diagnostic equipments of the laboratory. We also make use of audio visual devices and the internet to deliver lecture and instruction students on campus and out on practical posting

Student focused policies

In order for students to attain their full potential, our policies are student focused; we provide an enabling environment for students to thrive in their academic pursuit. Our guidance and counseling services are targeted towards understanding students needs and providing support enhance the learning ability of the students

Extracurricular activities

We have well planned and structured extracurricular activities aimed at enhancing students’ physical and mental condition, skill acquisition, social interaction, interpersonal relationship and team play. These activities prepare the students for proper integration in the society.


The college management and community is determined to be in the forefront of delivering quality medical training and services in Nigeria, in line with international best practices. We make bold to say that, it is our goal to consistently improve and definitely transform into a degree awarding medical institution.  


The college able to provides security through the following;

The college is fenced, restricting unauthorized persons

We give proper orientation and security tips to students

We have trained security personnel that work round the clock to provide security for the college and students

We enhance the security of our college community through a cordial relationship collaborative effort with the host community and security operative.