Social Groups

The Students Union (SU)

The student Union  is the repetitive Student Union of the College. All registered students are members of the Union by payment of annual subscription, which is paid directly to the union.

The federal government policy upholds that student unionism is voluntary. As a result, a student may opt out of the union in writing to the Students’ Affairs Office.

The union serves as an effective means of training  students in Leadership and as a channel of coordinating students involvement in the management of the College. The governing body is the Student Representative Council.

Other Student Organizations

In an attempt by the College to provide education outside the classroom, the College allows the students to organize themselves into and join organization, which contributes to the academic, cultural, recreational and social life of the College.

The College allows such organization to sponsor such activities as Lectures, Panel Discussions, Symposia, Seminars, Parties, Perceptions, Dances, Excursion Trips, Exhibitions, Drama, and Musical Programmers. As a rule, the College does not: encourage or recognize any students’ organization, which in its membership discriminate on account of race, sex or religion.


The College categorizes student’s organizations into 2;

1. Independent organization

This category include;

  1. Cultural Organization
  2. Religious Organization

They must be duly registered and formally recognized before they must be entitled to undertake any activity in the campus. Although they shall be entitled to appropriate privileges, they may not receive special services or support from the College.

2. Affiliated Organization

In this category are organizations that are the authority such organization includes:

  1. Student union
  2. Academic Departmental Associations
  3. Para-Military Organizations

Criteria for Recognition

  1. Must have registered with the College at the Students Affairs Office
  2. There must be evidence of significant number of students that wish to be member of the proposed organization
  3. An administrative or academic staff of the College must volunteer to be the patron / Adviser to the Organization
  4. The organization must have a constitution indicating rules and regulations, statement of financial support and sources of finance made known to the College authority

Requirement for registration

The followings must submitted for registration:

  1. 2 copies of proposed constitution and/or bye-laws
  2. Names, matriculation numbers, departmental addresses of the officials of the Organization.
  3. Signature of a Full-Time senior academic or administrative staff of the College who has agreed to serve as Adviser / Patron to the organization.
  4. Certificate by the Adviser / Patron that at least twenty Full-Time Students will form the nucleus of the organization
  5. Statement of Purposes and proposed programmes of academic cultural and social life of the campus.
  6. Affiliation(s), of any, to any outside organization.
  7. Statement of proposed financial support and management of fund.
  8. Approval or disapproval of any application for recognition rests with the Provost of the College.
  9. The organization may be dissolved by request from the organization has failed to file a registration form for two (2) consecutive academic sessions.
  10. When the organization violates the College rules and policies governing students’ organization.

General Regulations for Students Organizations

  1. Only registered students of the College are eligible for membership of any Students’ organizations.
  2. All Students’ organization must keep proper records of their finances. All fund raised by whatever means are subject to financial accountability.
  3. No Students’ organizations are allowed to indicate or simply that it is acting on behalf of the College without specific authorization of College authority.
  4. All Students’ organization must be registered with the Student Affairs Office at the beginning of each session.

Prohibition of Organization and Membership of Secret Cults

It is an offense against the College regulation as well as decree 47 (1989) of Nigerian constitution to belong to any secret cult on campus.

Student Publication

All Students’ publication is to be undertaken by the student under minimum control or assistance by the College authority

General Regulations Governing Publications

  1. Only registered students’ organization may produce any publication or printed matter bearing the name of the College.
  2. All Students’ publication must carry the names of the organization responsible for the publication and the individual(s) names(s) of the editorial Board.
  3. All Students’ publication must state explicitly on the editorial page that the opinion expressed there, are not those of the College or its student’s body as a whole.

Prohibited Publication on Campus

  1. Publication those are obscene.
  2. Publication that are violence
  3. Publication that are not properly titled.